Application architecture

Asphalt applications are built by assembling a hierarchy of components. Each component typically provides some specific functionality for the application, like a network server or client, a database connection or a myriad of other things. A component’s lifecycle is usually very short: it’s instantiated and its start() method is run and the component is then discarded. A common exception to this are command line tools, where the root component’s start() call typically lasts for the entire run time of the tool.

Components work together through a shared Context. Every application has at least a top level context which is passed to the root component’s start() method. A context is essentially a container for resources and a namespace for arbitrary data attributes. Resources can be objects of any type like data or services.

Contexts can have subcontexts. How and if subcontexts are used depends on the components using them. For example, a component serving network requests may want to create a subcontext for each request it handles to store request specific information and other state. While the subcontext will have its own independent state, it also has full access the resources of its parent context.

An Asphalt application is normally started by calling run_application() with the root component as the argument. This function takes care of logging and and starting the root component in the event loop. The application will then run until Ctrl+C is pressed, the process is terminated from outside or the application code stops the event loop.

The runner is further extended by the asphalt command line tool which reads the application configuration from a YAML formatted configuration file, instantiates the root component and calls run_application(). The settings from the configuration file are merged with hard coded defaults so the config file only needs to override settings where necessary.


Components are the basic building blocks of an Asphalt application. They have a narrowly defined set of responsibilities:

  1. Take in configuration through the constructor
  2. Validate the configuration
  3. Publish resources (in start())
  4. Close/shut down/cleanup resources when the context is finished (by adding a callback on the finished signal of the context, or by using context_finisher())

In the start() method, the component receives a Context as its only argument. The component can use the context to publish resources for other components and the application business logic to use. It can also request resources provided by other components to provide some complex service that builds on those resources.

The start() method of a component is only called once, during application startup. When all components have been started, they are disposed of. If any of the components raises an exception, the application startup process fails and the context is finished.

In order to speed up the startup process and to prevent any deadlocks, components should try to publish any resources as soon as possible before requesting any. If two or more components end up waiting on each others’ resources, the application will fail to start due to timeout errors. Also, if a component needs to perform lengthy operations like connection validation on network clients, it should publish all its resources first to avoid said timeouts.


It is a good idea to use type hints with typeguard checks (assert check_argument_types()) in the component’s __init__ method to ensure that the received configuration values are of the expected type, but this is of course not required.

Container components

A container component is component that can contain other Asphalt components. The root component of virtually any nontrivial Asphalt application is a container component. Container components can of course contain other container components and so on.

When the container component starts its child components, each start() call is launched in its own task. Therefore all the child components start concurrently and cannot rely on the start order. This is by design. The only way components should be relying on each other is by the publishing and requesting of resources in their shared context.

Context hierarchies

As mentioned previously, every application has at least one context. Component code and application business logic can create new contexts at any time, and a new context can be linked to a parent context to take advantage of its resources. Such subcontexts have access to all the resources of the parent context, but parent contexts cannot access resources from their subcontexts. Sometimes it may also be beneficial to create completely isolated contexts to ensure consistent behavior when some reusable code is plugged in an application.

A common use case for creating subcontexts is when a network server handles an incoming request. Such servers typically want to create a separate subcontext for each request, usually using specialized subclass of Context.


The resource system in Asphalt exists for two principal reasons:

  • To avoid having to duplicate configuration
  • To enable sharing of pooled resources, like database connection pools

Here are a few examples of services that will likely benefit from resource sharing:

  • Database connections
  • Remote service handles
  • Serializers
  • Template renderers
  • SSL contexts

When you publish a resource, you should make sure that the resource is discoverable using any abstract interface or base class that it implements. This is so that consumers of the service don’t have to care if you switch the implementation of another. For example, consider a mailer service, provided by asphalt-mailer. The library has an abstract base class for all mailers, asphalt.mailer.api.Mailer. To facilitate this loose coupling of services, it publishes all mailers as Mailers.

Lazy resources

Resources can also be published lazily. That means they’re created on demand, that is, either when their context attribute is accessed or when the resource is being requested for the first time. Unlike with normal resources, the resource values are not inherited by subcontexts, but every time the resource is requested in a new context, a new value is created specifically for that context.

There are at least a couple plausible reasons for publishing resources this way:

  • The resource needs access to the resources or data specific to the local context (example: template renderers)
  • The life cycle of the resource needs to be tied to the life cycle of the context (example: database transactions)

Lazy resources are published using publish_lazy_resource(). Instead of passing a static value to it, you give it a callable that takes the local context object (whatever that may be) as the argument and returns the created resource object. The creator callable will only be called at most once per context.

The creator callable can be a coroutine function or return an awaitable, in which case the coroutine or other awaitable is resolved before returning the resource object to the caller. This approach has the unfortunate limitation that the awaitable cannot be automatically resolved on attribute access so something like await ctx.resourcename is required when such resources are accessed through their context attributes.