Application architecture

Asphalt applications are centered around the following building blocks:

  • components

  • contexts

  • resources

  • signals/events

  • the application runner

Components (Component) are classes that initialize one or more services, like network servers or database connections and add them to the context as resources. Components are started by the application runner and usually discarded afterwards.

Contexts (Context) are “hubs” through which resources are shared between components. Contexts can be chained by setting a parent context for a new context. A context has access to all its parents’ resources but parent contexts cannot access the resources of their children.

Resources are any arbitrary objects shared through a context. Every resource is shared on a context using its type (class) and name (chosen by the component). Every combination of type/name is unique in a context.

Signals are the standard way in Asphalt applications to send events to interested parties. Events are dispatched asynchronously without blocking the sender. The signal system was loosely modeled after the signal system in the Qt toolkit.

The application runner (run_application()) is a function that is used to start an Asphalt application. It configures up the Python logging module, sets up an event loop policy (if configured), creates the root context, starts the root component and then runs the event loop until the application exits. A command line tool (asphalt) is provided to better facilitate the running of Asphalt applications. It reads the application configuration from one or more YAML formatted configuration files and calls run_application() with the resulting configuration dictionary as keyword arguments. The settings from the configuration file are merged with hard coded defaults so the config file only needs to override settings where necessary.

The following chapters describe in detail how each of these building blocks work.