Using template renderers

Using renderers is quite straightforward. For example, to render a Jinja2 template named templatefile.html:

from asphalt.core import inject, resource
from asphalt.templating import TemplateRenderer

async def handler(*, renderer: TemplateRenderer = resource()):
    text = renderer.render("templatefile.html", somevariable="foo")

This example assumes a configuration with a Jinja2 renderer and a Jinja2 template file named templatefile.html in the designated template directory.

To directly render a template string:

async def handler(*, renderer: TemplateRenderer = resource()):
    text = renderer.render_string('This is foo: {{ foo }}', somevariable='foo')

Using the current context in the template

If an Asphalt context is active while a template is being rendered, that context will be available to the template as the ctx variable.